Our goal is to provide affordable Spay and neuter services for
The cats and dogs of low income families
Community cats (cats who are not socialized and can’t be handled)
Shelter cats and dogs
Most of the services we provide are free or low cost to encourage residents to participate. To significantly reduce the overpopulation of unwanted cats and dogs inhabiting our area we:
Transfer out as many animals as possible for adoption to high-quality no-kill partner rescues
Spay or neuter all animals we help, either at participating vet clinics here, or by the organizations receiving our animals
Raise and reserve funds for extended and emergency vet care
In order to achieve our goals, we believe that:
Cats and dogs in foster care must be sterilized prior to adoption
Spay and Neuter is the key to reducing the overpopulation of cats and dogs
Informing communities about the cause of the problem, and the solution, will bring an end to animal homelessness
The Spay and Neuter of Community Cats must be free to encourage people to take advantage of sterilization services
Spay and Neuter services must be affordable for the pets of low-income families and individuals to prevent unwanted litters
Offering free spay and neuter for the animals of people seeking to relinquish them to a shelter can often convince the caretakers to keep them, making more room for the animals with no other option
Euthanizing cats and dogs to make room in a shelter for new animals is avoidable and not an ethical practice
Only in extreme cases, when there is no hope of a quality life, should the animal be euthanized
Cats and dogs with treatable illnesses or diseases should live out their lives in foster care where they can receive proper treatment or palliative care until they are adopted
Early spay and neuter is the best practice. Kittens can be altered at 8 weeks of age if they weigh two pounds, but definitely need to be fixed by 4 months. Puppies should be altered between 6 to 12 months of age depending on their breed and size.