Services, Fees and Programs
Looking to schedule an appointment? Please call our office at 509-422-9960
There are no income qualifications for our FREE PROGRAMS:
Community Cats
Danny’s Fund (American Staffordshire-like dogs & American Staffordshire-like mixes)
Mom’s & Dad’s Last Litter
Appointments are first-come first-served
Call our office at 509-422-9960 or fill out our CONTACT form for more information on the services you need.
If you reach our voicemail, please leave a message. Speak slowly and clearly, and make sure your phone will be able to receive a return call.
Did you know?
The average unaltered female cat can have 12 kittens in a year. For female dogs, the average is 8 puppies per year.
50% of all pets born are accidents. Dogs and cats can get pregnant much sooner than you think! So spay or neuter your pet at the age advised by your veterinarian. This will help prevent accidents and save millions from being killed in shelters each year.
We Serve
The cats and dogs of low-income families and individuals of Okanogan County
Stray cats and dogs
Community cats
Community cats are not socialized. They were either born outside and have never lived with humans or are pet cats who have been abandoned, lost or strayed from home and have over time, adapted to living outdoors, distrustful of humans.
The ASPCA uses the term "community cats" to encompass any unowned cat. lncluded under this umbrella are feral cats, those who have been lost or abandoned, and cats who might receive food and intermittent care from one or more residents in a community. Feral cats are cats who are too poorly socialized to be placed as a typical pet. The ASPCA supports the management of community cat colonies primarily through TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) and vaccination, sterilization, and ear tipping.
— www.aspcapro.org/feral
To qualify for our affordable spay and neuter fees, you will be asked to provide some financial information. Qualifications are based on Federal Low-Income Limits.
The Programs Your Support Makes Possible
Community Cats (free regardless of income)
Trap/Neuter/Return is a program in which cats who aren’t socialized are sterilized, vaccinated and returned to their colonies where they are fed and cared for by volunteers until they die. Cats are very territorial and tend to keep new cats from joining their colony. Catch and kill doesn’t work. T/N/R significantly reduces the numbers of community cats over a period of time. If you see a kitty with an ear “tipped” you know the cat has been caught and fixed. Gypsy, to the right, has had her right ear “tipped” to indicate she is a female. The males have their left ear tipped. To make it easy to remember, females are tipped on the right because the girls are always right!
Mom & Dad’s Last Litter (free for both cats & dogs regardless of income)
Because there is no dog shelter in Okanogan County, OKANDOGS picks up puppies and adults within a few days of discovery and secures placement for them, which is usually outside the County, until they are ready for adoption. Because there are fewer adoption opportunities for cats with our partner rescues and shelters, AFC can only transfer out approximately 50 cats and kittens every two weeks. It costs them gas and mileage, with no funds from transferring coming back to AFC. Transferring helps lighten the load on spays and neuters needing to be performed and gets these animals homed. Most of these animals go to NOAH since we are in a resource desert here. They provide spay or neuter surgeries for these animals and adopt them out to loving homes. Both OKANDOGS and AFC are desperately in need of foster homes. Okanogan Regional Humane finances the sterilization of the moms and dads who remain with their owners.
Spay & Neuter Of The Cats And Dogs Of Low-Income Families & Individuals
Human clients must qualify according to the HUD low-income guidelines for Okanogan County. The affordable fees we offer are about half of those charged at full service Vet clinics. The varying discounts we receive for our clients still usually require additional funds beyond what the client pays, to cover the cost these clinics charge for a spay or a neuter.
Shelter Care For Cats And Dogs
There are many expenses related to caring for and finding homes for unwanted cats and dogs. Providing vaccines, medications, vet care, transportation, food, equipment, cleaning and office supplies, spay or neuter, emergency care and more are needed on a daily basis or frequently.
Emergency Care For Cats And Dogs
Okanogan Regional Humane spends thousands on unforeseen emergencies. Occasionally partner rescues and shelters will assume or help with costs if they are receiving the animal. Pleas on social media sometimes raise funds to help with these costs but they are rarely enough and unpredictable sources of funding.
Danny’s Fund (free regardless of income)
There are many myths about American Staffordshire-like dogs - like they are an aggressive and dangerous breed and they aren’t good family dogs and that’s why they are unwanted and banned from some towns and shelters. Consider the facts that debunk those myths from these reputable sources:
terribly terrier.com The Pit Bull is, without a doubt the most misunderstood dog breed. In fact, one of the most misunderstood things about it is that it’s not really a dog breed at all. Pit Bull is actually a general term that means different things to different people. To some, it’s simply a synonym for “the American Pit Bull Terrier”.
Petfinder.com Dog aggression and people aggression are two distinctive traits and should not be confused. Unless a Pit Bull has been poorly bred or purposefully trained to attack humans, they generally love people. They are, in fact, one of the most loving, loyal, friendly, and dedicated companions you can have.
Bestfriends.org When we look at dogs of unknown parentage, the best we can do is guess at their breed, and it turns out that even dog experts are usually wrong when doing so. The American Temperament Test Society has found that pit-bull-terrier-like dogs passed the test at a higher rate than many other dog breeds, including golden retrievers and border collies. Pit bull-like dogs are actually some of the most popular types of dogs in America. According to Vetstreet.com, the American pit bull terrier is one of the top three favorite breeds in 28 states. Because pit bull terriers are so popular, some people are overbreeding them and others are neglecting to spay and neuter their dogs resulting in unwanted litters. These two factors along with breed-discriminatory legislation, have led to an influx of pit-bull-like dogs in shelters.
Mismanagement and unfortunate circumstances are the key factors that create bad dog behavior. Any dog that is abused by a person, chained up outside, or left in any sort of high-risk environment, away from a family where they would develop normal social behaviors, puts that dog on a collision course toward disaster.